About us.
We introduce to you the Uganda Agriculture Insurance Scheme (UAIS), a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between the Government of Uganda represented by the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and the private sector.
Uganda Insurers Association is the private partner implementer of the scheme through the Agro Consortium, a coalition of currently 13 insurance companies licensed to underwrite agriculture insurance in Uganda.
This country-wide scheme provides insurance premium subsidies to farmers of 30%, 50% and 80% depending on whether they are large scale, small-scale farmers, or in disaster-prone areas, respectively.
Company overview.
The general objective of the scheme is to ensure that a Ugandan farmer is largely protected against the effects of agriculture risks especially the production risks by introducing measures which shall ensure an indemnity enough to keep the farmer in business. The specific objectives of the Scheme are: –

What we do.
Our insurance policies offer coverage for a broad range of farms from small rural acreages to traditional production farms to the largest farms with commercial exposures. All kinds of farmers are eligible for insurance.
Farmers are categorized as either large scale or small scale. Under Crop Insurance, small scale farmers are those who plant on less than 5 acres of land or who earn a seasonal income of less than 20million and the vice versa for largescale farmers.
Under livestock farming, when one has between 1-30 cows, or 1-50 pigs or between 500-2000 birds, then one is a small-scale farmer. Whereas for one to be considered as a largescale farmer, they should have; more than 30 cattle, more than 50 pigs or more than 2000 birds. All fish farmers under the scheme are taken as large-scale farmers.
Crops covered under the scheme include coffee, maize, beans, rice, cotton, bananas, oilseeds (sunflower, sim-sim, soybeans, groundnuts), fruit trees, tea, sorghum, barley, and Irish potatoes. The livestock insured are cattle, pigs, poultry, and fish. Farmers dealing in enterprises outside the scheme are also insurable, however, they do not benefit from the premium subsidy. They are required to pay the full premiums.