Our services.
With our insurance policies you can find coverage for a broad range of farms from small rural acreages to traditional production farms to the largest farms with commercial exposures. From drought index insurance to livestock insurance, we offer a variety of coverages.

Weather Based Index Insurance (WBII).
Weather Based Index Insurance is a simplified form of insurance, where payments are made based on an index, rather than measurement of crop loss in the field. The index is selected to represent, as closely as possible, the crop yield loss likely to be experienced by the farmer due to climatic weather changes.
Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI).
Yields and/or Loan amounts exceeding UGX 30 million are covered under Multi-peril crop insurance and will be handled case by case with premium rates advised depending on the insurance risk assessment of the client.

Multi-Peril Livestock Insurance.
Animals to be insured will be inspected by a veterinary officer to verify information provided in the proposal form. The animals found to be with good condition score will be tagged for identification after farm inspection and verification of the vaccination certificate.
Poultry Insurance.
Provides protection from death of animals as a consequence of: Fire, Lightning, Floods, rainstorm, Snakebites, Windstorm, Hailstorm, Snow, Hurricane, Earthquake, Landslides, Diseases and impact accidental damage by animals, aircraft, or motorized machinery.

Aquaculture Insurance.
Our aquaculture Insurance solutions cover death of fish in both offshore and onshore farms.